PRO VIDEO SMOOTH, SLEEKHAIR WITHOUT HEAT Aveda Global Artistic Director for StylingAllen Ruiz demonstrates a heatless wraptechnique for smooth, frizz-free andsleek hairstyles that last through humidity. LEVEL: Medium GET THE LOOK WITH OUR STYLING ESSENTIALS 1445 TL 100mL 100mL 1445 TL 100mL Geçici olarak stok dışıÇok yakındaAktif değilTükendiÖğe sadece mesaj saklar. Boş değilse, bu satılan mesajı değiştirir SEPETE EKLEYükleniyor... Beni bilgilendir STEP-BY-STEPSTEP 1: Prep damp hair with pure abundance™ style-prep™ and smooth infusion™ glossing straightener.STEP 2: Section your hair and pin at the crown, then comb sides of your hair straight and pin section by section. STEP 3: Continue this "wrapping" technique until all your hair has been pinned. Let hair dry completely overnight, then unpin and brush through. SEE ALL SLEEK & STRAIGHT VIDEOS VIEW ALL